Disclaimer: Ini adalah Personal Blog dari beberapa Pelajar Perubatan MBBS Widad College University. Segala nukilan hanyalah pendapat peribadi sepanjang pengajian kami disini. Tiada kena-mengena dgn Pihak Pengurusan, College, KKM, MMC mahupun Kerajaan. Chill :)
Widad Golf Club

Assalamualaikum semua

So, post kali ini just nak shared la activity kitorg (among us), apa yg kitorng fulfilled kan dgn timing kitorng. Bukan apa, ada jugak ura2 mengatakan yg student2 medic nie mmg 24 hour study ke caner.. kan.. Hahaha, fening sistur nak jawab..

Apa-apa pon,  jgn kecam. Jgn take it serius, jgn feel annoying sbb post ini just for fun. Hastag siscuba

Our Widad Golf Club was handled by Dato Dr Mahmod under association of team Wimed and MPP Widad College. 

Meet point kitorg di Indera Mahkota Royal Golf just 5 minute kalau naik kenderaan dari kampus

Nothing tu say much, we do enjoy our swing, pole, nasihat as well as `basuh` dari our coach in order to make our play pattern just like pro one. Acehh

Anyhow, thanks for reading this entry n hope you guys stay fit.

Forensic Posting


Alhamdulillah, done posting for Forensic Phathology. Thanks to all staff of Forensic Unit HTAA for giving change to us in learning session. Credit: DR Zaimah, Dr Sri Marni, Dr Surilazmi, Dr Sairi, Dr Hafizol, DR Anuar, Miss Chong and others.

Along this three weeks, we discover much thing that outsider didn’t know what Forensic unit did. So much. Forensic give such a lot contribution toward the medical field as well as science Pathology.

Regarding mortuary stuff, yes. We did 2 case along with Doctor forensic permission (observe & assisting). Hmmm, just like learning anatomical classes with fresh body, I guest. 

WIDAD Charity Run 2017



For the first time, Widad University College brings to you Widad's Health Week which is organized by students from Widad's Social Work Club, Widad's Medical Student Society & Faculty Of Nursing.

This running event will be the main event for the whole week. Registration for the WIDAD CHARITY RUN 2017 is now open and there is a limit of 300 participants. So, what are you waiting for?

Dust off your running shoes and get in shape for the Widad Charity Run, scheduled for Saturday, May 13 at Widad University College (formerly known as Kolej Shahputra).

To register online, click our Sign Up button now!

For additional information, contact our committee member Qila - 012 6046120

Posting Palliative

Assalamualaikum semua.

Sye nak share sket pasal posting palliative memandangkan otak tgah tepu memikirkan next week ada exam othopedic. Moga2 hilanglah stess kite nie huhuhu. In sha allah.

Actually posting palliative nie adalah posting yg paling best skali bagi kitorng. Bnyak sebab kalo nak listkan kenapa posting ini best. Paling2 kuat pon sbb posting ini posting yg tenang dan exam pon senang. Hehehe

Basically, palliative is one of minor posting and somehow ada medical school tak amek pon posting ini, but it depend on each medical school lah kan. Nothing need to urgue, benda simple.

So kitorng kene posting palliative di HTAA for 2 weeks which is WOW BEST lama nya for us. Syukurlah. Huhuhu. And yess we start our posting hari isnin macam biasa.

Dalam unit palliative, staff tak ramai. Ada Pakar Palliative, Dr Katrina, seorang yang sangatlah best, lemah-lembut, penyayang dan bersifat seperti ibu2 kepada student2. Medical Officer, Sister and Staff Nurse.

Everyday sharp at 8.30am akan ada ward round bersama Dr Katrina and team. Start from male unit followed by female. Then, continued with class held nearby Palliative clinic.

Regarding Palliative clinic plak, dia ada hari die which is hari Rabu and Jumaat. So patient under palliative care akan attend the clinic day and student pon boleh join tapi gilir2lah sbb bilik clinic kecik jer.

Nnty kita akan cont. dengan posting2 lain pulak ye. Tutup salam.

Posting Clinical Lab


Done posting clinical Lab. Its part of minor posting, yes minor one. Alhamdulillah posting ini  tak lama mana pon, just take one week.

 Basically we have been divided into two big group. One group posting at HTAA, another one, HOSHAH Temerloh. Mmg nasib badan, kitorang kene posting di temerloh, huhuhu

So, isnin pagi, bertolaklah kami ke sana. The journey took about 2hr, from Kuantan. If lalu highway, maybe dlm 1half hour kot. Tapi jalan clear cun lahh.

So, arriving us at HOSHAH, firstly jumpa tuan rumah dlu. Pathology unit of HOSHAH placed at 2nd floor, nearby blood bank department. That time Pn Aida yang In Charge bahagian student practical.

Due to our practical period took about 1 weeks, so Pn Aida terus divide us 5 group, means 2org per group. And trus start posting for first day. Hahaha. Tapi Kitorng okay jer, tak pulak culture shock. Kan

So dalam posting ini, kitorng dibawa ke various department like blood bank, Biochemistry unit, TB,  virology, and etc unit. Basically kat situ kitorng akan nmpak process2 mesin2 mcmne dari blood itself boleh kluar result yg Ho2 minta.

Tulah, Ho2 main order jer lab Investigation tapi tak tahu mcmner process lab itself. Pentingnya posting nie, utk Ho2 tahu window period yg diperlukan sesuatu result itu kluar. Mcm serology takes about 2 weeks, tapi dah merengek nk result tu kluar cpt2. Berhuhuh jelah kne marah dgn pakar.

Widad University College

Widad Universiti College merupakan sebuah College yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai Shahputra Universiti College. Widad universiti College adalah milik sepenuhnya dari Widad Business Group. Pelbagai kos yang ditawarkan oleh Widad Universiti College antara yang paling popular adalah MBBS

Disini, MBBS dijalankan dibawah kelulusan MMC dan MQA yang mana persatuan perubatan pendidikan ini sering menjalankan lawatan ke setiap Medical School di seluruh Malaysia termasuklah, Widad University College.

MBBS Widad juga menggunakan tempat-tempat latihan untuk pelajarnya berpraktikal di sekitar Pahang. Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan adalah tempat utama MBBS berkampung menuntut ilmu. Hospital-hospital lain seperti Hospital Pekan, Hoshah juga terlibat dalam sesi Teaching Hospital.

Widad Universiti College mempunyai beberapa Pakar Pengamal Perubatan dari dalam dan luar negara yang sepenuhnya menjadi pensyarah tetap bagi kos MBBS ini. Tidak kurang juga Pakar yang bekerja di KPJ, DMMC, dan KMC turut terlibat dalam sesi pembelajaran ini.

Tahun 2017 menjadikan tahun terpenting bagi setiap pelajar Widad Universiti College terutama pelajar MBBS termasuklah kesemua batch dari tahun satu hingga tahun akhir MBBS akan menghadapi peperiksaan Professional Exam setiap Batch masing masing yang dikendalikan oleh badan induk MMC sendiri. 

Emergency Posting

Assalamualaikum Warga Widad..

seperti biasa, kami akan update blog once finish our posting. To Junior2 widad. selamat menghadapi perperiksaan. good luck korg...

Dalam kurikulum learning kitorng, Emergency and Trauma adalah credit yg wajib diambil bila tiba di tahun 4 mbbs.

Perkara pertama terlintas dalam fikiran ketika saya nak tulis tentang posting ini adalah kepentingan siapa yg layak terima rawatan dahulu or called TRIAGE. 

Basically rawatan akan diberikan kepada 3 group iaitu zon hijau, zon kuning, dan zon merah.yang ini adalh perkara yg wajib tahu.

Dalam emergency department, terdapat juga bilik OSCC diamana bilik ini dikhaskan untuk kes2 seperti domenstic violance dan seangkatan dengannya.

Kami di pecahkan kepada 2 group besar, dimana satu group akan posting di HTAA, Kuantan dan satu lagi di HOSHAH, Temerloh. Saya dah group ditempatkan di HOSHAH dan posting ini berdurasi selama 2 minggu.

Di HOSHAH, macam biasa, staff di sini mempunyai budaya kerja diorang tersendiri. Semua staff di sini sangatlah peramah, mudah didekati dan suka mengajar termasuklah HOD diornag, Dr Shazwan Reeza. Pakar2 lain seperti Dr Maslinda, Dr Dayang 

Selama 2 minggu itu, kami didedahkan kepada topic2 seperti Triage, Polytaruma, ABC, BLS, Pre Hospital Care, dan last skali exam. Bab Exam akan di bincangkan nanti. Keadaan di ED tidaklah sekecoh seperti yang digembar-gemburkan di dlm tv.

 Semuanya terkawal dan sekiranya masuk kes2 baru dlm redzone, staff akan bertindak sepantas yang mungkin. Sebagai student, kitorng perlu observe, observe and observe…

Othopeadics Posting

Salam warga Widad sekalian..

Othopeadics merupakan one of the major posting that every medical student should concern about it. The period might be varied depend on medical school itself. Kitorng kene posting lebih kurang dalam 10weeks including exam week. 

Our first impression about Othopeadics is, an Othopeadicsis is just straight forward takde point belok2 or pening2 means in term of clerking cases, the way of ix, mx is just simple and clear cut unlikely mcm medical, ong, etc.. ect..

Dalam posting ini, kitorng akan digabungkan group menjadi satu group besar and usually lecture sume akan diberi di Resource Center. But most of the time, sume masa kitorng akan habis di dlam ward samaada, cari cases atau bedside

Usually Dato Dr Tharu, Mr Jacob suka buat lect dalam ward je. Hahaha senang, takde orang nak marah sbb ward tu die yang punya. Tapi apa yang paling best dalam ward Othopeadics ini adalah, patient die suma approachable, takde yg denied2 nak buat pe, sbb most of them just having fracture, and bosan dduk dlm ward tggu masa utk discharge

Sedikit sebanyak info pasal posting Othopeadics di HTAA:

-Ade ward utk male(tngkat 5) and female/peadiatric (tngkat2)
-ward female kene pakai whitecoat, jam/cincin/felang perlu tanggal
-ward male wajib bukak whitecoat, jam/cincin/felang perlu tanggal
-ward male kene masuk ikut tepi koridor (ada sbb)

paling pnting adalah, korg wajib, wajib, wajib washhand before/after touch the patient, sbb pernah berlaku outbreak MRSA dlm ward, sume medical student, pelawat tak dibenarkan masuk dlm tu, siapa yg rugi? Jawablah sendiri. huhuhu

fourth Year Posting.

Memasuki alam tahun empat in medical student life sangat menjanggalkan. Bukan apa, teringatkan bad/good old day when we are posting during third year. Hahaha. Well, here we are.

Dlm posting tahun 4 Widad Medical college. Its include Minor posting and major posting. For Minor posting, divide into 2 sub group

-Palliative care
-Lab clinical
-Family med


For Major Posting:
-Community med

I don’t say that fourth years is an easy posting, but bear with me. Its interesting. You may not too struggle like killer posting as before, or you may end up by fail for some 4th posting if taken ease.


O&G posting


Before kitorg masuk posting ong, macam biasa, kitorng akan diberi sesi orientasi berama Sister ward obs, geriatrik, and ot. Basically hari first macam biasa, kitorng akan pecah kan kepada 5 group kecil dan setiap group itu akan diberikan tempat untuk setiap minggu dan rotate utk next minggu.

Kaedah pembelajaran di ward ong agak tenang dan mostly kes2 yang masuk pon agak sama. Cara kitorng untuk achieve target confident level before exam adalh dgn menghafal skrip. Yup. Tnyalah mana2 medical student pon, kitorng akan menggunakan skrip yang sama, kalo tak sama pon, seiras-iras.

Bila sudah hafal/mantap skrip, barulah kitorg akan apply pada patient, barulah tahu apa yang hendak di clerkkan. Lama kelamaan, barulah faham, kenapa persoaalan itu perlu/wajib ditanya, di clerk pada patient. Itu lah gaya approach kitorng.

Mengambil masa seminggu juga kitorng nak mahirkan skrip tersebut, selepas itu, kitorng masuk dlm next level iaitu Physical Ex aka PE. Bagi pelajar lelaki, wajib2 ditemani seorng cepharon (perempuan) ye. Wajib tau! Part ini agak mencabar dan perlu praktis yg bnyak before exam tiba

Terima Kasih diucapkan kepada Dato Dr Khaled dan Dr Hameedah kerana bnyak mengajar kami dari Zero smpailah kami faham pelosok2 ilmu ong. Walaupon exam kami ada yg fail… huhuhu… tapi lebih baik fail dalam exam daripada Fail in real situation kan…

What to do in ward

Assalamualaikum Warga Widad...

Mesti student dari peringkat preclinical akan blur level ggwp in case first time masuk ward for doing clinical posting. Jangn gentar. That’s normal.so what to do?

Mind set

Belajar dalam kelas & ward ini memang 100% for sure lain sangat sangat. Terutama dari segi enviroment, keadaan Ward di Htaa sememangnya sngt sibuk menyukarkan lagi prosess kita nak menerima info dari lect. But student should be genius. That’s we called FOKUS. Lupakan sementara kekecohan yg berlaku di sekeliling ward. Fokus on BTS session


Aka bed side teaching. The best way to get concept of clinical is to focus on bed side teaching(BST). Very-very importance. What Dr asking in BTS will be came out 100% during clinical exam. Mark my word. Kalau BTS pon jarang datang, sah2 lect benci tngok muka kan… so how nak pass the exam


Concept 3 Patient perday. Always clerk the patient walaupun kita sengal2 mane skali pon utk this session. Belajarlah clerk patent. This is key for clinical. Bila makin bnyak kita tnye. Makin tinggi keyakinan kita dari segi ilmu clerking, and one more thing. Jgn lupa utk present case depan cermin, mmber and lect.


the only way to pass the clinical exam is just attempt for ward session. Percayalah. Patient is the best teaher,

Medical posting

One of major posting utk student Widad adalah internal medical posting. Seriusly this is the toughest posting bagi student medic. Huhuhu

Its not easy for us. But we cant put weakness as number one, alhamdulillah… around 90% among us lulus on clinical exam.

In mind set, medical dept is too huge in case kalau kita nak hadam dlm masa 3bulan (posting period). Betul? But keep in mind, common is common. Something we need to know, and the leave the rare cases behind.

The best way to get concept of what is medical posting is to focus on bed side teaching(BST). Very-very importance. What Dr asking in BTS will be came out 100% during clinical exam. Mark my word.

Any how, thanks to Dato Dr Sapari, Dr Syed, Dr Chan, Dr Azri Uia for teaching us in this tough posting. Jasa mu aka dikenang.

Paediatric posting


Done posting Paediatric. Basic before masuk peads posting di Htaa adalah, firstly berjumpalah dgn tuan rumah ward tersebut. Iaitu Sister In Charge, then diorng akan minta list nama utk ditampal di board diorng nnti. Lepas jumpa, sister in charge tersebut akan bwk korng jalan2 ward aka orientasi. Tak lama mana pon

Cubical depan adalah patient under Dato Selva, basically for urology dep. Next cubical ialah gastro and respi for nest onward. Cubical dlm bilik adalah spesific for cardio under Dr Azri

Perkara asas sebelum masuk ke ward 6 (peads) di htaa, kami kene faham rule n regulation ward tersebut. Antaranya adalah

1.dilarang memakai jam tangan semasa berada di ward.
2. Lengan kemeja hendaklah di lipat bagi yang panjang.
3.Hand washing wajib tau before & after touch our patient
4. hand wasing sekali lagi penting untuk patient Dr selva..huhu

Terima kasih banyak2 diucapkan kepada Prof, pakar, Mo, housemen di Htaa dan Hospital Pekan yang banyak membantu kami ketika kami ber`posting` peads. Terutama  sekali Dato Dr selva, Dr Azri, Dr Azmi dan Dr Omar yg bnyak memberi ilmu peads kepada kami

Seminar Kesihatan Awam 2014

1 December 2014

Well done to all team member of MEDUCSA, especially Hariz Nordin for their great effort on handling one big event under Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia (PPIM).


30 Nov 2014

Being a medical shahputra college, we are trying our best to attempt as many as we can in circumcised practical. Assisting in this minor surgical are just an awesome part in student life.

Around 12 kids that attempt for this scared moment being flush by firefighters, first. Later on, they gonna picked one by one to enter the theater.

Making kids to keep calm are little bit exhausted, for us. But most of them are just good in handling their own scary moment. Alhamdulillah.

Practical day, again

Such a very exciting week. This week Dr Fatma gonna teach us on how to use stethescope and also sphygmomanometer.

Auscultation (listen internal part of body) such a very difficult for us to do so. Plus, part of our member are just little bit fat to auscult, me also.

Electronic BP set are just awesome, nowdays. But the sphygmomanometer more little bit tricky, I guess and still we need to learn how to use those medical stuff.

Fit Malaysia

16 Nov 2014

Early sunday morning, plus rainy day! Everybody should know that situation, right? Even its hard for us to fight those sleeping desire, but we try. And we did it!

Sharp 7.30am, YB Khairi Jamaluddin release the starting flag and everybody are struggling their hard to jog after willing to sign up the 5km run, I guess.

Jogging with plenty of stranger, and also rain! Just likely on the Hindustani scene that we have seen in tv. The best part, when we are attempt to que other runner, like a bolt.

Bukit Panorama I'm Coming

11 Oct 2014

After the whole MBBS student already tired with all classes, now its time for us to get refresh somewhere. The hiking activity is our first choice instead of going to the mall or cinema etc etc. And the peak of bukit panorama is our aim need to attempt, all of us.

Sharp 5.30 am, after dividing with 9 group, we start our mission and alhamdullilah most of us arrived late 7.30 am. Only two of us are unable to bear this challenge with some circumstance, I think.

Yes, selfie is the main event after we arrive that end of the world. Plus, we have being told that, the best selfie will be awarded (close selfie content). So, everybody are trying hard for that, no excuse.

Malaysia Medical Council (MMC) Visit

6 Ogos 2014

Shahputra medic program is monitored by the Medical Council of Malaysia (Malaysian Medical Council) to maintain the quality and standards.

As a MBBS Shahputra student, we're doing our best in study as well as to keep our quality parallel with the MMC requirement.

During visit, MMC panel are sit togather with us for listen what we has going thru in this particular semester. They also has meeting with our beloved lecturer for discussing about medical school management.

University College Shahputra, Kuantan

I'm so proud to be SHAHPUTRA student

Kindly thanks to Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), for support our education expenditure.

MBBS Student: Nuzul Quran

This is our annual activity when ramadhan comes. 

Even this activity is being tag as MBBS Programme (official), but we make it clear here, this is our routine, this is our habits and this is SHAHPUTRA  student actually.

Al Quran and SHAHPUTRA student just can't be separated.  Here, we're developed in very clear deeds pathway. 

All of our knowledge learn  in the classroom,  are appropriately parallel with our deeds objectives and kind of applicable for human being.

Proud to be SHAHPUTRA Student.

Final Examination MBBS Shahputra

Again, again and again

Being a medical student, examination are always being a hot topic for us to chat around. Until at one point, we already got 'immune' in this situation.

Seems pretty relief about our schedule arrangement. According to our schedule, we got some gap between our next examination and for sure it's quite useful for us, no doubt about it.

At last, after examination end, we will proceed with our traditions,  our end-sem routine. Selfie!

This time, our concept is subjected to Hari Raya dressing and our lecture also take part, join with us together.  Proud to be MBBS Shahputra student.

Hospital Mesra Ibadah

If you're in chronic situation, can you (as a muslim) excape from those compulsory prayer?

If answer is NO, then, how to handle that?

We're truly lucky after getting invited to join the ABIM Medical team for their programme in Hospital Tuanku Afzan,HTAA Kuantan. 

The purpose is to provide the initiative advise for Muslims patient as well as to suit with clinical scenario.

It was handled by one of Medical Office from HTAA, also representative of ABIM organisation. 

The concept are little bit leisure as we need to communicate with the patient and it also part of 'dakwah' as  we're Khalifah in our deeds.

At the end of our conversation, patient are being provided with the 'Wudhuk' spray for easier the patient to do their ablution.